[RPZ] Fwd: strange result with rpz

iharrathi.ext at orange.com iharrathi.ext at orange.com
Thu Sep 22 15:06:44 UTC 2011

Thanks and it's what i'm doing exactly now :)
But hope that ISC change the RPZ rule so next i have just to write 2 line. Coz now i have to write alot of line for each authorized domain. 
It's better to just put 2 line:
   a.b.c.myzone.fr     CNAME   a.b.c.myzone.fr.
    *.fr                A

Issam Harrathi.

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Vernon Schryver [mailto:vjs at rhyolite.com] 
Envoyé : mercredi 21 septembre 2011 19:15
Cc : dnsrpz-interest at lists.isc.org
Objet : RE: [RPZ] Fwd: strange result with rpz

> From: <iharrathi.ext at orange.com>
> To: Raymond Dijkxhoorn <raymond at prolocation.net>,
>         Vernon Schryver <vjs at rhyolite.com>
> CC: "dnsrpz-interest at lists.isc.org" <dnsrpz-interest at lists.isc.org>

> Hi you're missing the point :)
> Yes what i want is that everything in *.fr have like answer
> except a.b.c.myzone.fr this is why i write:
>  		a.b.c.myzone.fr IN CNAME a.b.c.myzone.fr.
> 		*.fr           IN      A
> My problem is that with this configuration i have also real answer for 
> www.myzone.fr, ftp.myzone.fr, x.y.z.myzone.fr instead of the
> desired.
> Hope i was clear.

The results you are seeing come from the way DNS wildcards work.
See for example this parahgraph in

    To quote RFC 1912, "A common mistake is thinking that a wildcard
    MX for a zone will apply to all hosts in the zone. A wildcard
    MX will apply only to names in the zone which aren't listed in
    the DNS at all." That is, if there is a wild card MX for
    *.example.com, and an A record (but no MX record) for
    www.example.com, the correct response (as per RFC 1034) to an
    MX request for www.example.com is "no error, but no data"; the
    expected response is the MX record attached to *.example.com.

In other words, the existence of the a.b.c.myzone.fr RPZ record requires that the *.fr wildcard not match any sub-domain of myzone.fr.

To get what I understand to be the desired (albeit surprising) results, try:
    a.b.c.myzone.fr     CNAME   a.b.c.myzone.fr.
    *.a.b.c.myzone.fr   A
    *.b.c.myzone.fr     A
    *.c.myzone.fr       A
    *.fr                A

Vernon Schryver    vjs at rhyolite.com

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