[dnstap] unbound+dnstap compilation

Robert Edmonds edmonds at mycre.ws
Fri Jul 11 18:34:52 UTC 2014

Alexander Zubkov wrote:
> Hello!
> I have compiled unbound+dnstap yesterday. And want to share some experience.
> If someone fix this issues in source or documentation - than some people
> will have little less pain compiling it.

Hi, Alexander!

I apologize for any difficulty you encountered.  dnstap is a work in
progress, and I hope to have the underlying dependencies (fstrm and
protobuf-c) stabilized and 1.0.0 releases available and in package repos

> 1) In recent version of fstrm library some exported names have changed from
> capital letters to small letters, so unbound do not compiles with it. Here
> is fstrm commit:
> https://github.com/farsightsec/fstrm/commit/e687aa9f8ff0edfa58dd752cb6705978b3488867
> I have used fstrm version tagged 0.1.0 for unbound compilation.

Yes, sorry about this.  I've not yet had time to update the Unbound
dnstap patchset against fstrm's master branch.

> 2) The small piece of documentation for configuring unbound+dnstap, located
> here: http://dnstap.info/Examples/ - is incorrect. Configure options should
> be in "dnstap:" section, not "server:"

Fixed here:

> 3) It is not obvious (if not read about dnstap utility) that unbound is
> connecting to dnstap socket, not listen to it.

Fixed here:

> 4) unbound+dnstap needs version of protobuf-c at least 1.0.0. One more
> configure run, one more protobuf-c installation - not so much pain, but
> faster if known before.

Fixed here:


Robert Edmonds

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