[RPZ] RPZ seen at MAAWG

Jeff Chan jeffc at surbl.org
Fri Oct 8 18:52:44 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 8:51:34 AM, Simon Forster wrote:

> On 6 Oct 2010, at 11:12, Jonathan Curtis wrote:

>> 3. Sources of malicious domains should be listed (non-commercial ones that is)

> Currently the Spamhaus DBL is available as an RPZ courtesy of
> Andy Fried. If anyone wants to test this, drop me an email and
> we'll see if we can set you up with access.

> Full disclosure: It's likely that the Spamhaus DBL RPZ will
> end up being a paid for service (certainly for larger
> organisations) - assuming that RPZ gains traction.

SURBL data are available in RPZ format also, courtesy of Raymond
Dijkxhoorn <raymond at surbl.org>.  Since we were working with Paul
fairly early on, SURBL may have been the first with a zone available.

For now, we're doing a free trial.  Please contact our reseller
Arnie Bjorklund <arnieb at mxtools.com> at MXTools if you'd like to
give it a try.


Jeff C.
Jeff Chan
mailto:jeffc at surbl.org

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