[DNSfirewalls] rpz firewall + whitelisting

Lee ler762 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 17:06:26 UTC 2019

On 8/27/19, Vadim Pavlov <pvm_job at mail.ru> wrote:
> Just in case.
> Do not forget that every single rule consumes memory. It is ok for hundreds
> or a few thousands indicators but it may be an issue if you have more or a
> low end server. E.g. I’ve tested with 2.5M RPZ rules (2 rules per indicator)
> - bind9 consumes 1.2Gb-2Gb of RAM, PowerDNS about 600Mb.

Good to know - thanks!

This is still a toy project for me and yes, I'm using a very low end server.


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